22 research outputs found

    Rekontextualisierung in der digitalen Literaturwissenschaft

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    Unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Rekontextualisierung kann in der digitalen bzw. computationellen Literaturwissenschaft die Entwicklung von einer nicht-digitalen hin zu einer digitalen Wissenschaft betrachtet werden. Das Digitale führt auf mehreren Ebenen dazu, dass klar(er) abgegrenzte Elemente in den Blick kommen und beschrieben werden können. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass Textsegmente, Konzepte, Methoden, aber auch Fachparadigmen im digitalen Zugang auf eine explizitere Art in den Fokus kommen und diskutiert ihre Rekontextualisierung bzw. Rekontextualisierbarkeit in die bestehenden Verfahren und Zugänge der Literaturwissenschaft, welche aufgrund der vergleichsweise neuen Zugänge in weiten Teilen noch zu klären ist

    Narration and Escalation: An Empirical Study of Conflict Narratives

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    This article describes the methodology and the outcomes of an empirical study of conflict narratives. The narratological analysis deployed narratological categories in the structuralist tradition based on Genette and was conducted with the help of the text annotation tool CATMA. The analysis aimed at covering as many narratological phenomena as possible by establishing 14 fields of narratological phenomena that were annotated in a corpus of 39 factual narratives about situations at the workplace with and without conflicts. The evaluation of approximately 28,000 annotations brought to light a series of interrelations between narratological phenomena and the presence or absence of conflicts in the narratives. Additionally, this approach led to the identification of some oversights of narrative theory by detecting hitherto unnoticed interrelations among narratological concepts

    Towards an Event Based Plot Model. A Computational Narratology Approach

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    In this paper, we introduce a new computational narratology approach to modeling plot by operationalizing the relationship of narrativity and tellability. Our approach is based on events, or, more precisely, on the narrativity of event representation at the level of discourse, or the how of narration. For presenting the approach, we first discuss the notion of event in narrative theory and its relation to narrativity and plot. We then propose the operationalization of events and narrativity as a discourse phenomena in accordance to these assumptions. In the last section, we optimize our approach by relating the parameters for events and narrativity to summaries. With this we relate the how to the what of narration and account for a comprehensive notion of plot based on a scalar event concept


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    Editorial for the first issue of the Journal of Computational Literary Studies

    Project Description - hermA: Automated modelling of hermeneutic processes

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    This article sketches the theoretical and methodological background of the interdisciplinary research project hermA. It assembles five disciplines form three academic institutions in Hamburg, that work collaboratively on medical research questions relating to the usage and application of annotation in hermeneutic text analysis in their specific fields. Their common research interest in hermA based to explore possibilities for the automation of annotations

    Project Description – hermA: Automated modelling of hermeneutic processes

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    This article sketches the theoretical and methodological background of the interdisciplinary research project hermA. It assembles five disciplines form three academic institutions in Hamburg, that work collaboratively on medical research questions relating to the usage and application of annotation in hermeneutic text analysis in their specific fields. Their common research interest in hermA based to explore possibilities for the automation of annotations

    Rekontextualisierung als Forschungsparadigma des Digitalen

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    Der Begriff der Rekontextualisierung hat in neueren diskursanalytischen Forschungen zu digitalen Medien einen erstaunlichen Aufschwung erfahren. Die für digitale Medien charakteristische Möglichkeit, durch serielle Reihungen, Rekombination, Einbettung und Vernetzung digitaler Objekte neuen Sinn zu generieren, wird dadurch auf den Begriff gebracht. Auch für methodologische Fragestellungen zu digitalen Forschungsinfrastrukturen und digitalen Methoden kann der Begriff der Rekontextualisierung als Leitkonzept dienen. Der Band diskutiert aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive die Potenziale des Rekontextualisierungsbegriffs als Schlüsselbegriff digitaler Forschung

    Narration and Escalation. An Empirical Study of Conflict Narratives

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    This article describes the methodology and the outcomes of an empirical study of conflict narratives. The narratological analysis deployed narratological catego­ries in the structuralist tradition based on Genette and was conducted with the help of the text annotation tool CATMA. The analysis aimed at covering as many narratological phenomena as possible by establishing 14 fields of narrato­logical phenomena that were annotated in a corpus of 39 factual narratives about situations at the workplace with and without conflicts. The evaluation of approximately 28,000 annotations brought to light a series of interrelations be­tween narratological phenomena and the presence or absence of conflicts in the narratives. Additionally, this approach led to the identification of some over­sights of narrative theory by detecting hitherto unnoticed interrelations among narratological concepts

    Korpus "Erzählen über Konflikte"

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    Korpus "Erzählen über Konflikte